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Kendrick ML

A member registered May 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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Can you show me please 

Cool no problem 

No problem. 

Hi people, I made this asset yesterday and, I need some people to test it or to make a tutorial with it, for example to show how to create an enemy in a survival game. So check it here and don't hesitate to share me your feedback and the result.

No problem. Do work on an other project for this moment? 

It's so cool. I made free explosion pack that can look cool here on for an other project

Hi gameDev! Need a helping hand for your projects, demo, tutorial? Click on my profile to discover a selection of free graphic assets: characters, enemies, and epic explosions! If you need more assets, make a suggestion or request a download key for paid assets.

Hi gameDev! Need a helping hand for your projects, demo, tutorial? Click on my profile to discover a selection of free graphic assets: characters, enemies, and epic explosions! If you need more assets, make a suggestion or request a download key for paid assets.

Hi I made a free explosion pack, can you test it in your game? Check it on my account.

Hi cool game. Can you please test my free assets for a game?

This is a beautiful pack. I love it!


It's a good idea

It's so cute yeah

A really cool interface and graphics style

ah cool les vague ainsi que les upgrades !

so cute 

good game

Me too. Lol

I have finished my asset Serie for gamedev Fantasy workd


(1 edit)

Hi, I have started a series of explosion packs for those who create pixelart games. explosions are important for action games in general, by downloading the whole series of explosion packs, you have access to 27 types of explosions. I hope you like it, take a look if you are interested.

Thanks! Yeah it's good for gamedev

Great work ! Love it

😁 true, Hi broken it lol

thanks sir

hard fo me, but is a good game. beautifull pixelart