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A member registered 14 days ago

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(1 edit)

Hello, maybe you already found all you need but I am looking for a team for a RPG style productivity app for the environment. Job letter:


! Do you care about the environment?! I made a free MVP of what my project is about here: is an RPG style productivity app that is very cool. I wish to do that for eco action based on one or more of my narrative game IPs. 2 are PG and 2 are 18+.

I wish to film some of the creation process while discussing world issues like this podcast:

I do lots of fun stuff for the environment. I would love to work with Habitica to get people psyched to save the world. My project was supported by the German government and placed in a startup accelerator (even though we only spoke with them twice and funding got cut due to visa stuff). 

The Mission: A podcast style tutorial and devlog of banter and learning and app development on an Opensource Habitica for the environment with 1 of my IPs, listed on this whiteboard and detailed in linked establishing lore:

These IPs have 3 years of work behind them.

Absolutely imperative is working on this project Carbon Neutrally. That's our challenge factor which will be fun 馃槉 鈽橈笍 

Games portfolio:

Let鈥檚 save the world naughty or nice. 

Clarifying summary: I wish to create Habitica for the environment based on one of my IPs (most likely Solubrious) to begin with, 4 to choose from eventually, made Opensource and Carbon Neutral, possible DevLog with eco centric banter also possible."

Habitica code and tech stack:

Hey hey, musician game designer and writer here. I have limited tools with a broken phone but I've done a bunch of jams this just gives me a handicap. Who wants to team up and win this thing with an unusual use of Gdevelop in order to catch their eye and do something unique?!

Let's do this 馃檪