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Void Star

A member registered Aug 05, 2018 · View creator page →

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I assure you there are absolutely no viruses. It's a false positive that tends to happen on some systems. I've been doing this for over 7 years, I 've no reason to burn bridges and add viruses to my games, lol.

Thanks, will do.

You already suggested it. I am aware of it. It will probably happen at some point, but not right now.

Hi. No set date yet since I have another main project which I focus on (Pandora's Box 2) and even more side projects whenever I get free time (some of which will be out in the near future).

Because there is no specific time on the 12th that I update the pricing. It's still the 12th and the prices are now adjusted. Thanks for your patience.

Thank you. It will be fixed in 0.26. It's not game breaking, so just ignore it and continue.

I can't check that, pretty sure. It's only for the moderators/support of the site. Like I said, I don't see your payment. How much did you pay? 0.25 version right now is for the highest tier of supporters and early access, so the price is $99, if you paid anything less than that you wouldn't get access to it. The price goes down on schedule during the month, like I've said in the description of the game. 

0.24 is $5 at the moment. Did you mean you can't access that version?

I do not see your payment on my end.

There isn't a whole story arc yet, but the pregnancy content is a thing in the game and the male MC has the chance to impregnate quite a few girls along the way. Some of which will be shown later with big belly. There is flashback sex scene with the female MC being pregnant, more are planned in the future.

It might at some point, just to reference it if nothing else, that she is pregnant and he finds out.

Hey, I haven't done the poll yet for this. It's in the plans for the future, but can't say when.

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It's still $25 on the 5th of the month. This is just early access for the top supporters if I am able to finish the update earlier. It will be back to $25 in a few days just like it has always been.

It's patreon exclusive, a bonus for supporting me there.

It's been 6 years since this post. Is the "future" plan coming soon? I really hope to set up EUR as the default currency while letting handle the rest. Thanks.

Hi, darth. Eventually I plan to, yeah. I'll hold a poll on Patreon in near future and ask people their opinions on this

It's early access price for people who support me more. Price will be reduced on the actual release dates as it has before. (5th of the month it will be $25 etc.)

Hey. This sounds like an user permission issue. Try this if you can for a possible solution:
Look the file path just before permission denied message carefully) and do a right click->properties-> permission and mark allow to run as executable file and also read write permission.

Hey. Yeah, this is a new early access release point for people supporting me more. The game's update will be released as regular price on the 5th and the other dates as it has before.

Uploaded a fix for the Android version with a name 0.18.1 which fixes the cradle number from to the appropriate 0.18 version.

The sex scene that was added in this update is optional. So I am writing it's optional, since it's a hot debate. :)

The game is planned to be free. This is payment for early access which helps me continue to develop the game.

Thanks. I added it in the description. Also, most sex scenes are skippable unless it's required to progress the story, so the foot fetish can be 100% avoided. :)

Thanks for your input.

There is a Walkthrough on my Patreon page for supporters. (Under the official posts of the game).

Hi. It's out today.

Download the newest 0.4 version.

No. Same update is here, too.

10th of the next month, yes.

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The impregnation from each gender is definitely something that might happen. But it depends on the series and the current update that I am undertaking. I can see something like that happening in the Mass Effect universe, for example.

If you invest into one of the tiers ($1, $5, $10, $25), you will always get access to that specific tier when a new update drops, yes.

Hi. It's put on hold for now as I am focused on finishing other projects. I don't know when I will update it, but I hope to get back to it at some point.

You mean the public/free version? It will be out a bit later today.

In a month.

On the 5th of June.

There isn't any.

Send me an email with details about the crash on Thank you.

Jack is the one meant to be a dominatrix in the Mass Effect series.

Yes. Other stories are still work in progress (WIP) in 0.2 Mass Effect's Miranda story can be played as well.

It's visual novel.

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That is not me and I suggest you don't download anything they put up. I will contact to remove the impersonator.
