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I can't say I'm an expert but i have a "Not bad information's" about it.

1-if one Service fall i start using the Other Example:I have 2 Internet subscription to my home and if one fall and lost connection i start Using the Other(not the same ISP) they are in contract with one Server Service can't they contract another(it might be expensive or legally they can't I don't know what are the contract terms or budget).

2-WIth the technology we have isn't easer than before the internet and Computer World are evolving by time and the market offer many things hardware/Software with different prices as for maintain their own Data-center they can hire an IT that specialized in those stuff.

3-well i compared it to GameJolt witch should be an equal competitor i use both itch and gamejolt daily and i didn't notice gamejolt getting down there are sometime that you feel that the Website no responsive or slow but not down while itch it can suddenly be down for 1+ hour.

1-Don't they have a backup? Usually there will be a backup in case something happen to the primary one they start the Backup intel the Primary is fixed. Can't they do that?

2-With the technology we have yeah why not. This might depend on their budget if they can afford the hardware.

3- I suppose they have backup at least for their DataBase.

So was down yesterday and i want to know more about how it work and i did some research to find out this wasn't the first time. Just to be clear this post is not meant again/offend anyone i just want to know how things work.

My questions are was down yesterday and the staff couldn't do anything about it why?

2-Can't or other platforms(Steam as an example) to host their own website instead of dealing with a Could hosting provider?

3-Unlike other platform get taken down many times more than others any particular reason other than maintenance?

thanks  for your answers

a quick question i do like that staff is trying to improve the search engine But i can't search for creators anymore only games any specific reason?

1- playing other games and sharing feedback it's a good think to help other and show them what they need to do but those are the Developers and my target audience should be the Gamers not developers.

2-Already making devlogs and updating my games.

3-i have no experience in editing itch pages.

4-working on it.

5-never tried them i feel stressful when thinking about them.

thanks appreciated. 

Now at first this might be a silly question but let's think about it a little, On itch/steam or any other distributing  platform as a small team or indie developer how can they get more attention and vibe to them with limited capability's and budget and not able to perform in game fest(games com/summer game fest)or afford  ads what are other stuff that Developers can do Take me as an example what can i do to get more visibility?


thanks for correcting me in this case i asked the wrong question cause i meant SinglePlayer and multiplayer

i think i misunderstand something isn't PVE = Player VS CPU(SinglePlayer) and PVP = Player VS Player(Online)?

when i said "the next era more than 90% of games support online multiplayer"  i meant between 2000 - 2010 many games i played at that time supported multiplayer in one way or another.

i did some research and many successful games where PVE with good game design and Story. But I'm no director or professional game designer so PVP is the suitable for me. But i don't find it a good idea to make a online multiplayer game that depend on player making up with each other without having a player base so adding bots is a temporary solution. I don't want to end up with boring games i won't reach any goals that way but I'm not that capable though so trying to make things better but end up worst.

many games nowadays came with the idea of multiplayer and if it is pure Singleplayer  it must have good story line with game design to work either way it might die quickly but multiplayer have a longer life time. now since adding multiplayer late in the development is a headache usually developers decide even before starting development making having your game SinglePlayer and multiplayer is the best but it's it really the best option?

Both of them i think any developer will say this answer right?

these days it's hard choice to make whether you want your game SinglePlayer/MultiPlayer or even both cause each will have different task in the development stages back in the 90's and 20's you might find that most games where singleplayer with local network options due to Networking Limitation then the next era more than 90% of games support online multiplayer. But now as a developer I'm not sure witch pass to go for each have pros and cons but once started it is very hard to go back multiplayer it's the same as handling singlePayer so i like to know what other developers(based on their experience) think about this.


Welcome to the Operation Overlord. Prepare to be a part of the Normandy invasion fight the enemy at all cause  you will fight on the most significant battles of the D-Day from the sea landings to the capture of Caen.

The game will take place in all sector of the Normandy starting from the sea to the hills and the parachute.

Download Link:

yeah i did know  that some legal stuff can cause a game to be disappear. does Steam platform forces the developer to use Steam API? cause i though it was optional.

I'm still a little confused.

-Abandonware can a game get removed cause of it? even so shouldn't someone inherit the IP like when Microsoft close Tango Gameworks doesn't that make Microsoft own the IP and in case of a solo developer death won't that make his children/parent the next owners?

-Yes agree about legal stuff.

-what is so stressful about getting viral doesn't have more benefits?

-regret publishing personal stuff can say much.

-fake games yeah i don't mind them getting removed.

-I didn't get it yes I'm responsible for all game i publish it's even very clear in TOS. Even if they are not ok to update a years old game then just keep it as is.

-i do understand this it happen with new indie developers.

-doesn't the payment stuff apply to both platforms? Yeah they handle payment differently but they are both US based both have users/developers around the globe. yes is nothing compared to steam but i don't find it a enough reason to not distribute the game on it.

it's probably Rare for such case to happen but it still happen some developers simple remove their game from the public and making it impossible to access the game. i have few different question about this. Any help is appreciated.

1- On you might find some games as demo version while the full version is available on steam and some of them started on before going to steam. why the developers release the full game on steam only, keeping with the demo only, isn't better to release the full game on both platform reaching higher audience?

2-On steam or even on you could be following a game sudden suddenly the game is completely removed and no longer have access to it why? Some developers will make a Post about it saying they Canceled Development(for what even reason) but why removed the game isn't there's a chance where the game could find success in the future?

3-Game that was in perfect condition and have good sales but suddenly it's been removed i couldn't find any reason  why Developer will remove their game while it's successful Why?

thanks for your time.

You do have a point, and yes it is a personal matter whether my game is fun to play or no one guy might like it other might not. Now my game is not intended to be a clone of another game even though there is a 50-70% chance it might look like another game.

Personally sometimes the reason i play a lower quality game and lower budget from indie studio instead of the original AAA game it's cause less complication(No DRM/No Extra account needed/Free to play) witch I'm putting my hopes in.

Even thought this might seems like a dumb question it is not. Let me give you few example:

1-why try new new food, if you can have pizza everyday

can other food have other flavors not all taste like pizza you might prefect one flavor over the other each food have it's own flavor giving you a reason to try it.

2-Why bake your own pizza, if you can just order some.

because on option is cheaper that the other, baking your own pizza will allow you to put whatever you want in it while ordering a pizza will give you the standard pizza that the restaurant deliver to others.

-that's true the market is so repetitive new songs are based on older songs new story are an improved version of an older story even movies.

but in each new story/movie/song that it introduce something new making it somewhat different from the older version improving it.

now in my case i can't compete with AAA WW2 games my issue here that i can't introduce anything new making it a special from the other WW2 games this way there's no reason to play my game while you have another better WW2 game. 

I'm an unexperienced Game developer  i can never compete with a AAA Company that has massive budget.

As a gamer i don't like DRM and high price games that are not worth and need extra account with another platform sign-in to play the game, I'm not including them since they act as a barrier and my plans is to make it free. Why I'm making a WW2 game i like War games in general and i enjoy my time programming and solving problems so I'm making one and one of my goal is to make it success and functioning game. Doing a small research i manage to find many WW2 games that offer better Games(free or paid) one of my problems is i can't delivery high quality game with extra features with the limited budget and time and due to my lack of experience i might end up having bugs that can't be fixed and since one of my goals is to be a successful game developer in the future such matter act as an obstacle.

my current plan is keep working on the game>make sure it works>hope that people will enjoy>if any bug encountered Fixed it>Support the game for as long as you can.


recently i have been asked this question from my friend witch i struggle to answer.

quick summary I'm working on a World war 2 game an FPS shooter with multiple map and historical events and weapons from that era.

i mention that to my friend and they asked me "why should we play your game? we already have many world war 2 games including Call of duty and battle field high quality with good budget what can you offer?" I struggle to answer this question and this is a valid point why play forza horizon while grand turismo exist(or the opposite) why should i play other City simulator while Simcity exist and so on.

and help is much appreciated.

so I'm working on a new game and I'm planning to add a Map Editor where the user can create any map he like and play and allow him to uploaded so others can play as well. Now on steam i can use their API to use the steam workshop witch allow any steam user to upload/download maps through my game. Is there anything similar on i can use to achieve the same goal?



hi, I'm reaching out again for my game it's still not indexed i appreciate any help. before the weekend thanks.

ok, thanks but for next time do i make a new topic or can i reply to you on this one?

hi I'm reaching out  for my game "battle of the wild west"  is not indexed yet, it's  been  than 10 days.I appreciate any kind of help that can be given or if there is any issue to fix.


Well all of them actually 

I know that is is probably to early(For me) to worry about hackers, But since i already have a multiplayer game and willing to make multiplayer games in future i should consider stuff against hacker but I don't know what to do.

keeping in mind these:

1-Nothing is 100% proof i can make my game  harder to be hacked but not impossible.

2-can this cause me to sacrifice game optimization?

I have to keep this story  in mind

Well publishers(Depend on the contract between you and them)they pay for marketing and for the development cost they handle Law stuff they even influence the Development progress(As far as i know)

i don't have experience nor i know how to manage a studio but how did the 90's and 20's studios survived ?

what is required then if different from now yes but still the same concept right?

true i have no experience to say more, as for publishers not all studios have budget for marketing so publisher come in handy i think 


I know that it is an obstacle but I'm Talking about success projects(I mean a project that give a good amount of revenue achieved an player base community and can stand in the market)as long as you invest the money in good way you get more profit.


I Agree working alone make decisions fast since you are the manager/project manager/programmers/etc.. at the same time but that doesn't mean it's the right decision you could be wrong but you won't know cause no one told you "No" and with a team each member will take role

and do it's job without interfering with other members, Yes it may slow down the game progress but at least it will improve quality.

Empire Building

this is what I'm talking about I'm kind of guys  i want to success and grow more for bigger success example: currently my target is to have 100 followers Next 200 Next 500 etc... and in future release on steam, not an easy task but i want to build myself an empire

Career choice

Again agree, Mainly i like programming and problem solving if i have a team it's not necessary to sit back and work as the manager only i can be the Programmer and the manager. Managing people is hard especially if you have lack of communication or others working remotely and for the game progress Set a Deadline having one is better than not having it.

As for money to keep the Studio  sustain  itself you can make a contract with a Publishers or be honest with your employee and tell them that this is not working well and layoff before going bankrupt(it might depend on the contract between you and them).

This is my personal perspective correct me if I'm wrong 

-I do understand people want to work alone but don't they want to improve?

-Agree, But whet about those who has multiple success projects? I'm not saying they should hire 100 people at least a small team of 3 in a small office everyone  start somewhere(Not saying it's easy but worth trying)

I suppose you all know and heard about a Single game developer that has made great successes having many followers/subscribers/donations

after having a great success over the years why they still work alone why not expand try open a game studio hire people or even contact publishers why stay alone limited to their own capability's?

what does the term "Assets Flipping" mean what i know is" When a developer purchase a working prototype and uploaded as a Game without changing anything literally" what does it actually mean?

I do that all the time also Unity make it easy to import assets from outside the store however when purchase from the unity assets store you gain a license for using the asset does have something similar?

My problem is I'm new and not expert in anything Assets save me a lot of time and i can learn from So why not.

to be fair before i didn't like any game that use multiple assets i feel like the developers are lazy and just want quick money like Synty Studio it is common to see developers use their assets there for they appear in many games.

but now since I'm a developer this save me a lot of time(witch i don't have a lot of) and effort(I'm not a 3d modeler and don't know how to use 3d Model software).

I want to know how this effect my game. Example" Someone see my game but don't want to play/download/purchase the game cause I'm using other assets i found on the store.

So i want to know more about this subject, Most of the time this is consider a negative subject but i want to hear more from Developers and Gamers about Asset flip, Not everyone has years and time to devote to make their own assets or funds to pay for an artist/programmers/sound designer/etc...

Short Story: i finished my second game and i was sharing it thought social media(Marketing)someone said that my game is basically a Asset flip and he know the Assets i used from the Unity Asset Store. Now I'm not a Professional Programmer/Artist/Graphics Designer/Sound Designer so i used Unity Asset Store to find the assets that suit my needs witch make things easier and short in time.

I want to know more on how other think of this.

Battle Of the Wild West is an online multiplayer FPS set in the Old West with low poly graphics.

The game supports 12 player multiplayer and bots are supported both on and offline.

-Many Maps to be added in the future.

-Many Weapons for you to Choose.

Game modes:

- Deathmatch - Team Deathmatch - Gunslinger (Every kill switches out your weapon in a set order. The first to get a kill with every weapon wins.)

Domination(Capture the Flag).

Link :