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A member registered May 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks 😄

Sorry, I haven't finished the project yet. I'll let you know here, with a new comment.

I finished the first version of the project. I hope you enjoy. 😁

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Sorry, I haven't finished the project yet. I'll let you know here, with a new comment.

No problem 😉 I'm working on it right now.

I finally developed a character with 8x8 art. Check it out here:

I polished the art and removed repeated and unnecessary parts.

Thanks for your comment. 😆 I have three more similar ones: Human, Mage and Rat 16.

Thanks for commenting. 😉 This is one of the ways I thought of using this little guy.

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I released a asset pack and I'm not sure what users thought of it. Please, if you have some free time, take a look at the page and tell me your impressions.

Link here:

  • Are the art style and colors appealing to you?
  • Do you miss any information?
  • What is your opinion about the price?

Note: feel free to comment on other aspects not mentioned.

Regards, Rogarca.

Thanks 😁

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Glad you like. 😊

Thanks for your comment. I intend to release more monsters. In the meantime, if you need to, you can contact me on discord (rogarcadev).

No problem, you can call me on discord (rogarcadev). If anyone else is interested, we can talk. 

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Thank you for your interaction! 😁😁 Lately I've been dedicating more time to my work here at

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Hello! Thank you very much for your message and the compliment! 😄

I accept commissions, but I need to create a page with details for future requests. If you need to contact me then you can send me an email: 😉

I tried to summarize my area of activity well to simplify and not clutter the creator page with too much information, but yes, I work with pixel arts of different sizes: 8px, 16px, 32px...

I'm glad you noticed 😆 I wanted to default all characters to 3px width (not counting 1px spacing).

Thank you for your comment 😃 I need this interaction to make the necessary adjustments.

I changed the project description: the color palette used in the project contains 58 colors. This is a new palette that I have been developing for some time.

The intention was to produce a great package for the community at a fair price. Please, don't be shy about the number of pieces, they have variations with shadows and contours so the number ends up being just a metric.

Thanks! 😁 feel free to view the other packages!

Hahaha 😂 I'm sorry, he's real!

I liked the color palette, especially the gradient of the roof, in blue. 😊


That's the feeling I wanted to convey 😆 I'm glad you liked it.

Indeed, it was a long wait, but here it is. I hope you like it.

Nice job!

Hello again Monotunes!

I tried contacting the information you gave me, without success. I even created a new discord account to chat, my username or server is rogarca.

I look forward to contacting you, hugs.

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Thank you Monotunes! Your comment really cheered me up! 😃

- All asset packs are intended for creating personal and commercial games;

-  At the moment I can't place very large orders like you said, but we can talk about it. I want to understand what you need.

Please wait contact by email, preferably.

My email is and my instagram username is rogarcadev.

Thanks 😃

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Correct, I will make it available soon. 😉

I thought about your idea and decided to implement it in this package! I also added two more colors.

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Thank you T2008! I was very happy with your comment! 😃

- Yes, I plan to make other animals, I'm even developing a fatter version of this bird.

- The arts were designed for platform games, this genre usually "discards" the north and south directions, unlike top-down games (2.5D).