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Resiliense Games

A member registered Oct 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

the assets looks great but,  where is the enemies, character and bosses? you have to create more to us, for complete the game.

done if you want to test my demo.

(2 edits)

It is a game 2D platform inspired in mario with collect coins and keys to unlock levels and rewards by collecting coins.

Spanish: es un juego plataforma inspirado en Mario Bros donde tú tienes que colectar Coins para subir vidas y también ahí corazones donde van a mejorar tu vida. Además que si tu colecta una cantidad de Coins puedes desbloquear los trofeos que tienen el juego sea por Coins o el tiempo . En algunos niveles las plataformas son movibles y tienes que intentar no caerte. El demo lo que  consiste es que pruebe el juego y me dé retroalimentación de cómo lo puedo mejorar y que les parece.(use googlear translate)

Demo Updated, now you can play the first 3 levels of my game that is too enjoy full and very entertaining.

why i cant use pay with card as visa?

Es un juego de plataforma dos dimensiones donde vas a encontrar un mundo pixelado Y vas a tener que pasar todos los niveles y de cada cinco nivel hay un jefe lo cual va a poner la prueba la dificultad del juego. A mi entender el juego está bien diseñado y los niveles están bien para que el Player se pueda divertir y pasarla bien.

commercial use?

of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!

commercial purposes?

im gonna use it and when i finish my game, im gonna put the link here. the musics are all amazing

nice quality songs and really to any games!!!!!!!!

Now are 3 levels with diferent mechanic and with some explanation to play the game more easy for the news.

game consist in 2d platform that you have the enemies to reach to the final to pass the level. sometimes you have to climb to get the key in the treasure for open the door to the next part of the history. im grateful to announce this big demo and enjoy. have a nice day. 

demo link----->>

big green and the big demon for boss section

i used you assets to create my first game in live , thanks for all

the game is very well designed and each level challenge the player to the find new method to go. the enemies also are very strategically placed to make the game more hard through the levels.  If you give an opportunity to the game you going to enjoy the level design and more. Just give the opportunity and be a kid playing the game.

game link----->

(1 edit)

Going to be public until I develop the game complete. But I'm going to provide update about the game by devlog. So stay tune, because gonna be very great this game. 

Game consist in traps and get the key to pass the level, but you gonna have to defeat enemies to reach the final goal. 

this demo contain just 2 level and a demonstration of the level select.

demo link-

I’m Going To You Your assets and if I Make Some Money And Gonna Give You Because This assets Loos very attractive

Yes but you have configure it

public domain? Please 


looks amazing

(2 edits)

The green jumper will face several enemies such as a scorpion, a snake, a spider and among other things that will put his life in danger, which he has to survive until the end of the level. Also in each level we can see that there will be a trap that will put our hero's life in danger. In addition, he is going to face three bosses that are extremely dangerous and some of the difficulty will increase in terms of life. The game has 15 levels and three bosses, the difficulty of which will increase with each level. You can use game pad in this game in a computer.

YouTube trailer -

Green jumper sale winter -

It is a 2D platform game where a ninja frog has to pass some levels with various enemies and traps and some have a sound to warn them that they are present, it is a course and I redesigned the levels a little more making it a little more interesting

free game -

green jumper sale -

i bought this assets and are incredible, just amazing assets and well designed. thanks

the credits are inside the game

here the game that i did with your assets. thanks for all

(2 edits)

Green Jumper is a 2D platform game with multiple levels. In every five levels, players will have to face three different bosses that each have their own way of fighting. It is a very colorful game, it is also a very welcoming environment where children and adults can play it. It also has music in each level scene and also in the credits scene and level selection. Also death and shooting effects. The game the game basically meets all the requirements.It has been a pleasure to be able to create this simple 2D video game and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed it when I created it.

muchas gracias 

se ve bn 

thanks brooooo

If you look at this example it is done correctly. That's why I ask you, are the Mario copy beams very well made? because I would be interested in buying them

I am using these assets as a test for an upcoming game that I want to make and when I use the unity tilemap and when I go to click on it it doesn't click correctly. Let me explain in Unity when you export some assets and you are going to cut it, one says when you click on the image the dimensions appear, if you want multiple and other things. Well, what I do is I hit the sprite editor and I edit it. But some trees don't sting or things like the environment or leaves don't sting properly. So when I go to paint it, it doesn't paint it well, painting means that I am going to design the level that I want. If you look carefully at the image you will see in the boxes that there are things that should not be there. The image of the short always in 16 × 16 

I downloaded the free tile that you bring in your page that is completely free till there is all good. but when you’re gonna cut the image in unity 16x16 don’t cut properly when gonna use the tile map in unity. I want to know if the map that you selling like that copy of Mario if properly cut? Because I want to buy that. Thanks.

i’m not saying in the bad mode, if not in the good way. Because many assets here have many sprites with their tilemap but no one with hero and enemies. If you don’t have the hero and enemies you cannot create a good game. so sorry if you take it in the bad way.

Bro, the assets looks very nice, but where are the enemies and the heroes? Because in this page, there’s no enemy to work with that. Can you create some enemy for these assets please

can you create asset for a level select for this graphics? because the platform looks very good. Thank you so much.

(1 edit)

Green Jumper is a 2D platform game where you will have to defeat enemies to complete the levels. The final version will have 3 bosses that one will make easy, medium and difficult. 2 are going to be done on land and the last is aerial with three battle phases.

I hope you like it and I appreciate the feedback. Sorry if I did it multiple times but it's my second one and I improved the main menu and level select and I wanted to update it. Thank you so much.

You move with the arrows or the normal left and right buttons, you jump with the space bar.



looks too niceee

comercial purpose deserve attribution?

(1 edit)

Green jumper is a 2D platform game where you have to kill enemies by jumping on their heads and get points and given the points you have, it will add lives to increase them and the coins will help with that. The complete game is going to have three bosses and their different battle styles. I just want feedback on how the game looks and if it looks very good and if I can improve it more.