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A member registered Jan 07, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hello all people on this board! I've recently released the third installment of a game called Keep It In! In this game, you keep a ball inside of the square by clicking the blocks on the outside! If the block is lit up, the ball will bounce off of it, otherwise, it will fly through it and you lose a life.

What are you waiting for? Play now!

Keep It In Keep It In! by XxDarqMidnightxX (

Keep It In! by XxDarqMidnightxX (

Estimated Play Time: 1-5 minutes per game

Keep It In is a simple, but fun game. Try to keep the ball from escaping by clicking blocks to activate them. The ball cannot pass through an activated block, but it can pass through a clear one. The ball moves faster over time. How long can you keep it in?

This honestly looks really cool! I like the artwork!

Hello, I am new to, and I am wondering if I could have some feedback on my game, but I mainly am looking for feedback on how I could make my page better. Keep It In! by XxDarqMidnightxX (