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Beth and Angel Make Games

A member registered Jan 21, 2018 · View creator page →

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This is so fantastic! You really crafted a whole experience here, even combining analog and digital! I got The Turtle, which is SO me that it's scary lol. And thanks for sharing Mx. STRATEGOS's system!

- ✨Beth

Aaaaaaawwwwwwwww thank you so much for saying so, my goodness!!!! Honestly I was so busy making this and The Mighty Merge-Mage before the jam I was entering ended (I got in with an hour to spare lol) that I didn't get to take a moment and enjoy having released either game. And this comment is a perfect start to that celebration, thank you very much! 

- ✨Beth

This game has community copies you can grab 🥳 

If there are no community copies, let me know and I'll add more. Or you can use this one -->

That key can't be claimed, but it'll let you check it out until I find out they're gone :D

This game has community copies you can grab 🥳 

If there are no community copies, let me know and I'll add more. Or you can use this one -->

That key can't be claimed, but it'll let you check it out until I find out they're gone :D

Oh yay!! Thank you so much for saying so 🧡 I feel like I get overwhelmed by everything I wanna do, and if I can't even complete basic tasks, how am I supposed to make a difference in the world, ya know? So I hoped the opposite direction would be as inspirational as that direction is debilitating 

Leaving you feeling positive was 1000000000% the goal of this game, and it makes me so incredibly happy that it happened! I really appreciate you sharing this with me :D

- ✨Beth

Hey there, and happy weekend! We have two pieces of poetry zine news for you today:

  1. Angel created a designer's notes edition of Mason Jar Wishes (a zine about collecting intangible things, shown above). This special edition goes behind the scenes to show Angel's choices for both the zine and the poem itself! The digital booklet version of the zine is free, or you can get the printable zine and the designer's notes edition for $1. You can also read about this special edition in this Patreon post (free to read).
  2. Kids have a grander sense of wonder, that kind of gets worn down in adulthood. Plea to Pen is a brand new 8-page poetry zine Angel wrote while thinking about some childhood memories and yearning for simpler times, views, and problems. You can read more about it in this Patreon post (free to read).

We added 35 community copies to each, so you can grab those while they're available. Or you can become a $3 (Zebra Finch Zinester) member of our Patreon to get a total of SEVENTEEN games and zines, including Mason Jar Wishes and Plea to Pen! 🥳 

I hope the rest of your May is fantastic 🙌 

- ✨Beth and Angel (who make games and zines and stuff)

PS: I chose the "Free" button because both zines have free versions. Hopefully that's okay! 🤞 

That's really awesome! Honestly the game was initially made with sarcasm. I'm from Chicago originally and small towns are soooooooooooooo not my vibe (I miss public transportation SO much). But then we remade it, Angel added her photography, and it became a half-silly, half-celebration, which I think sits far better with us both.

It's really cool you lived in different parts of Indiana!

Oh my goodness, Aaron! This is an absolutely amazing, well-detailed, thorough video that's far more than Angel and I ever could've expected. For our game to be part of this video, let alone captured so perfectly (beyond our hopes and dreams), is incredible. We're small creators and watch videos like this about other games, but we never expected one of our creations to be part of something like this! We create with the intention of entertaining others, sure, but our primary goal is to make people think, experience, and embrace the world in a new way. You did such a glorious job of bringing that to life, and made our whole weekend 🙌 

Also, I never hit the subscribe button on a creator quicker than that :D

The Rhythm of the Rhyme is a set of six bookmarks, one of which includes instructions for the overall collection with the others each holding their own games. Each uses dice to help you craft a poem (or multiple poems)! You'll turn memories, photos, your week, or even random words into poetry.

The collection is half off for only $1, but there are still community (free) copies available! And if you like bookmark games, you'll love The Bookmark Bundle! This bundle includes all seven of our bookmark games and collections for only $3. But hurry, the sale ends when the weekend ends!

This is so freaking cute, I love it!

(1 edit)

Sure! I'd be happy to include the translated version in with any downloads of the current version if you translate it, and you can link to yourself and put your name on it as translator. 

I can send you the Canva files or whatever would work for you. You can reach me at for further details :D

Hey sorry something is up with Itch images. They aren't displaying all of them and then clicking on them takes forever to load. I made this in Google Docs and you can click the link to check it out. However, I get it if you don't want to. I ended up quickly finishing this anyway as I got an urgent message to call my dad.

When we finish this for real I'll share it on a future jam but it'll be a while as we're super far behind on a lot lol

- ✨Beth

Random Zine of Kindness is a follow-up to Random Tweets of Kindness, and now you can play anywhere, not just on the-site-formerly-known-as-Twitter (I still call it Twitter dang it!). There are 24 prompts for random kindnesses and you can roll a d8 or flip a coin three times to get one! Then you write what you did and give the zine to someone else or leave it to be discovered.

And if you take a photo of the kindness log and email it to, we'll add one community (free) copy for each kindness on the list!

It's $1, but hopefully there'll always be free copies to grab. There are 14 there now as I post this :D

- ✨Beth

Oh hey, this was fun! Well done on making an idle game so quickly, my goodness! I liked the incremental power of the laser, and the automated upgrades helped a lot too! I'm a HUGE idle game fan and this one was right up my alley 🥳 

- ✨Beth

Oh, yeah it makes total sense for them to continue to grow points when the odds of them coming up are so slim! I either got ridiculously lucky that time or yeah there was a bug. But the first time I was at like 60 or 70 on the third dig when the demon happened, so that score was far lower lol

I sure did :D I like to comment on both places where applicable as this page will live on and house it, but also the LD page needs the ratings and comments 🥳 

Oh nice, that sounds awesome!

The game is $1 but it's FREE (on sale) through next weekend so you can ignore that :D

This is a tabletop game that requires printing and components. I understand if that means no one plays it. I was delighted to make it regardless, thanks for the jam! Digging is one of my favorite things ever

- ✨Beth

Whew! I triggered the demon the first playthrough and then got 425 points the second time! Are the gems meant to be +3 points across rounds? In my later rounds they were worth 20+ points each, which seemed a little OP (especially when I'd get 2 or 3, and also a treasure chest). But this is a lot of fun, especially since I'm a tabletop creator myself and push-your-luck stuff is my jam. I was gonna make a dice game for this jam myself! 

But seriously, well done, especially in just four hours!!! That's freaking amazing, it's a clever game with a good balance!

- ✨Beth

This was cute! I love the idea of a fish fighting back by summoning all of the other fish around until they can scare off (or destroy lol) the fishing boat. I'd be sad if I couldn't eat fish anymore (I kinda prefer being a pescatarian) but if the fish are smart enough to do this, maybe we shouldn't be eating them 🙌 

Well done! 

- ✨Beth

Whew, 63rd place for any%! I'll take it lol, that was a wild ride! It's really unique only having the ability to dash or jump when summoning a friend, and that you can pick up more friends as you go through the level. Plus it's cute as heck!

- ✨Beth

WOW this gets difficult as the game goes on! I thought I was so smart for a while there and then I was struggling to meet goals and still had like 5 rounds left 😅 This is really clever and I love the deckbuilding/destructing element of it.

- ✨Beth

Whew, that was intense but fun! I got lucky and won each case the first time (or I'm a genius lol) but I did lose one round against the second dude. This is a hysterical game that's put together well enough to be a small Switch indie game or something already 🙌 

- ✨Beth

OMG lol this was hysterical and absolutely wild. Plus more cute critters died in this game than probably any other game I've played 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I eventually kept running right and left down a road with a 1,000, a 100, and a 300 machine and was making BANK but couldn't keep up with that 50,000 rent payment... I tried, darn it 😅 

- ✨Beth

Whew, this game gets TOUGH after a while but it's super clever, cute, and super creative. The art is really awesome too, as is the premise of summoning demons to help with homework or curse a teacher 🤣 Well done! 

- ✨Beth

Yay I did it!!!! You did a great job with this game :D I really appreciated that it seemed like each candy would spread, and that even when your suspicion fills you then have to be found and caught before you lose.

I was so freaking stressed lol but I did it!

I also wonder if there's a glitch or if I got impatient: I lost once, then tried again and it seemed like no one ever fully got blue. So I refreshed the page and it worked :D

- ✨Beth

This is freaking adorable, and I made it all the way through! I was heckin stressed a few times lol but I made it. Well done! 

This was freaking hilarious! I love the progression here: it starts off simple and I wrecked so much, but then eventually my Glorbles would get shoved out of the ring and die even if they would easily win otherwise. That got so chaotic and awesome!

- ✨Beth

I enjoyed this! It helped me out soooooooooooo much when I realized I could hold the "shoot" button down rather than hammer it. Also I couldn't get the cheat mode button to work, but I did enjoy playing this and the concept is hilarious.

- ✨Beth

This is super cute: I love the art! I also had fun plowing through levels (although I'll admit that once I figured out a strategy, I just kept using it going forward). Well done!

- ✨Beth

Whew, I barely got 9 before time ran out. Nicely done, I love the art and aesthetic here! And rapidly hitting D to get treasure before getting smashed by a coconut is fun :D

- ✨Beth

Oh hey, this is super clever! I love that it's endlessly playable and I love digging up treasure. The timer adds an awesome tension to browsing the screen for the spot.

- ✨Beth

Absolutely! And putting a spotlight on the fact that these feelings are normal is so helpful. I feel like that was my biggest hurdle: "all of my trans friends look so pretty or handsome, and I look.... just like I did a month ago, but in a skirt." It's easy to not realize so many people have these thoughts or struggle with an inner voice for like.... forever. 

We added 25 community copies, but if you're interested and we run out, PLEASE let us know. We'll gladly add more :D

We added 25 community copies, but if you're interested and we run out, PLEASE let us know. We'll gladly add more :D

This is fantastic! It covers my feelings post-transition so freaking well. It even captures the weird, fleeting "why be pretty? Pretty is a huge chore, and I can probably pull off handsome way easier..." when the answer is simply "I wanna be pretty dang it!" And every transphobic thought my mind threw my way as I accepted who I was. 

I'm so glad most of those feelings are over a year in the past, but this was a wonderful reminder in a wonderful way of how far I've come. And how far I hope everyone comes :D

- ✨Beth (formerly Charlie)

Hi! This is free through May 3rd (for Ludum Dare) and then I'll be adding community copies.

However, if you want to check out the game and there are no community copies available, let me know and I'll add more. I apologize for putting that responsibility on you, but please know I'm genuinely encouraging you to tell me if you're interested, I'm happy to do it :D

Hi! I saw you were a TTRPG creator from another jam, asking if physical games were allowed. And then I saw you here! I love the Hyper 1 HOUR Game Jams and make TTRPGs/journaling stuff. Lyz does allow all sorts of games into her Hyper 1 HOUR Game Jams, but they have to be playable in the browser and within 5-10 mins. So something short and sweet (on a business card or postcard or bookmark, or even a short Google Doc) works. And then just make an image of all of the text (or images) and get those on your Itch page s she can play it :D 

(1 edit)

Note: This says it's $5 but it's FREE (on sale) through the end of Ludum Dare's rating period (May 3rd).

Oh my goodness, this looks so cute and fun!