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An otome jam team looking for you!

A topic by HeavensGates created 35 days ago Views: 99
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(4 edits)

Hello, Im a person who loves to take part in game jams and decided to create a team for the upcoming otome jam! It doesnt matter what your skill level is, we are here to learn and make something we'll love!

Our team consists of 2 writers, 2 artists, 1 programmer, 1 sound designer/composer and a voice actor

We would like a programmer whos happy to work in Unity. Any voice actors are also welcome if youd like to try your hand at it.

We are currently discussing our theme and will update this as soon as we're set on a path!

Anyone can send me a message though as we're happy to take anyone who wants to take this opportunity to make a fun game with a team!

Discord: heavensgates