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Ivan Dionízio - Mal Criações

A member registered Feb 11, 2017

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Just when I was wondering how to make an Android Watch game... amazing! Congrats for your effort!

I know nothing about this but wish to make more of a companion game in the style of pokéwatch from Pokémon HGSS, don't know if you know it.

Can a smartwatch run any .apk file? And is there any way to download a game directly from your watch? Thank you :)

fun game, works pretty well on my mac

Could you please release the Mac version here or/and at

Good game. There is a problem when changing resolution in the settings, though. Everything disappears once I do it so I have to reset the game for it to be applied.

Whoa. Was searching for an alternative for Piskel and didn't wanna use Aseprite. Happy I found your tool, works fine on latest Mac OS High Sierra. A good first impression!

Any plans to bring it to store?

Looks great! And a linux build is always welcome :D

Same. Is there any explanation?

Got the demo for Android and it's a nice game, congrats!

Btw, any chance for a Linux release? I'd happily buy it and then recommend it to others :) Cheers.

All the time you need, bud :) Gonna test it once you release a Linux build then I'm going to recommend it to tux gamers as well to give you more feedback. Just let me know when you make it available. Really thanks

Hello, your game looks interesting. Could you make a Linux build available as well for download? I'd love to test it on my Lubuntu :D Cheers

ok! I'll gladly buy it then! :D

Will this game be available on GOG as well?

Very cute game