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Please can someone test my game demo that I released yesterday.

Any feedback would be amazing.

Thanks, have a good day!

Hi, I released my demo version of my game yesterday, I would love some feedback on the artwork.

Everything has been created in procreate.

Please test the demo, and check out my artwork. 

This is my first project and I am a solo game developer in my free time.


Is there anybody out there? ha. Has anybody played this yet?

Is there anybody out there? ha. Has anybody played this?

Hi, thanks for taking the time to view this topic.

I have just released a demo version of my game "Box In Hell" please click here to play

What I am looking for is some feedback, to see if anyone even likes the art style/gameplay/enemies.

I am a solo game developer, and I started this project with no knowledge.

This game has been made to be different, and I would love to continue adding to this game, but overall only I have really played it.

That is where I need your help!

If you have some free time, and you have read this much, please help me out and play my game and provide me with some form of feedback, it would be much appreciated.


If you want to play this game please click here to play

I have so far spent over a year working on my project "Box In Hell". This title is a work in progress, and any and all spare time I am blessed with is used creating this game (solo). This game is constantly changing and expanding, new ideas being added. I created a TikTok account at the start of this project, and have posted various updates/artwork throughout the duration, and I will still continue to do so.


This game features Xbox controller support.

"Box In Hell" is a difficult game, and this is the way that I intended it to be.

The visual art form is experimental, all created using Procreate on iPad.


This game is a platformer with a hint of horror/creepy creatures in the world