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I've been wanting to experiment with a horror theme, but I make physical games.

Can I submit to this jam?

I often wonder if physical games are allowed in jams that don't specifically mention them, and this may just encourage me to try the next Ludum!

It is! My very first project was an attempt to match this kind of vibe in a print and play game, it's on my page.

Such a fun idea, as creating playlists for people have replaced making mixtapes, it's a great way to gamify that and encourage different ways of thinking about each song.

This game idea sounds amazing.

Love this idea and the nods to Saturday morning tropes

A simple set of puzzles where everything made sense, well done!

Love this idea, can't wait for the "Parent in a Disney Animated Movie" expansion pack

I have zero programming skills of my own, so I'd like to get my feet wet with a few lowkey jams before possibly joining someone else's larger project. I've seen one or two random physical game-centric jams, but can physical games also be submitted to other events so long as they match the prompts?

I've been working on this for awhile and it's finally ready, the first version of my first print and play game!

It's an attempt at recreating the feeling of a game like Animal Crossing or A Short Hike, where you arrive at a town and insert yourself into the middle of existing stories. For 1-2 players.

Interesting use of the mechanic. It brings to mind the idea of someone in the future researching a database to try and pinpoint a date or coordinates to prevent something.

I felt so happy playing this game and piecing together the story. It was a huge inspiration on my own project, so thank you for sharing it!

I loved this game so much, it was a huge inspiration to my own project so I'm making sure to mention it constantly!