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I would've made an update yesterday, but I was so tired when I went to make an update. 

Story Update:

I'm feeling more confident on what I should use for soft world building. I'm having an easier time understanding what to use for soft world building now... Ok there's still more I have to figure out, but it's been going better. 

Also I want to express that I wont use soft world building ALL the time. I plan to use some hard world building as well, but I'm trying my best to use more soft world building.

I recommend watching this video to see the difference between soft world building and hard world building. This guy will do a way better job on explaining it.

I'm really excited to see what you're cookin' up!

Anyways, I have a little question:

Does the game have music?

If it does, do you make it yourself or commission it or use royalty free music?

(1 edit) (+1)

I have an AMAZINGLY good humble bundle deal for some music. The deal is gone now but it was "HUMBLE BUNDLE Melodic Mayhem: Tier 3." It comes with amazing music including some horror music.

It cost 1,650$, but I got it for I believe only 20$. If you wanna know how I found it, then you should go watch "GamesFromScratch." He talks a lot about bundles that you can get for game development. He's really helped me a lot.


Also I will be using some of the built in music in RPG Maker VX Ace for certain parts. I don't know if I'll change the battle theme, because I really like the one I have right now (AKA "Battle 8" and "Dungeon 9")

Battle 8: 

Dungeon 9: