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What is the purchase that triggers the potential fraud alert?

A topic by evelai created 15 days ago Views: 109 Replies: 2
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     When I created a withdrawal request, the transaction was usually completed between 10-14 days. This is a fair time to review this process. But when I saw that it was taking more than 15 days, I thought something was wrong and emailed support to let them know. It was the first time this had happened to me and I was curious. They said there was a series of purchases in my payment that triggered a potential fraud alert. What exactly triggers this? I did some research on this but didn't find much. In the same reply they said my payment had been delivered and to let them know if it hadn't arrived within 24 hours. I told them that the payment still had not arrived, but there was no response. It has been 19 days since the payment request and I am wondering when and how this will be finalized. 



This forum is usually answered by the community, and I highly doubt that any of us can give you more information than you already have, other than speculation.

Sometimes the admin reads the posts, he could give you more information, but it is best that you add the ID of the support ticket.

If not, you can try contacting him on the Itch discord server, remember to add the support ticket ID.

All right, I'll try discord. Thank you.