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Robotized Police 2100 - case at New Earth IV

Pixel art for today based on videogame Metal Mech - Man & Machine for game console Nes 8 bit. It is a game about a robot. Shooter. About sci fi theme. Sci fi action. You can also to get out of a robot.

And this is my drawing about the same theme. Year 2100. Artificial satellite of Mars. New Earth – IV. It is going to the end last clashes with pirates and outsiders of galaxy. Pirate fleet is broken. There is no more smuggling.  And pirates has no income. Powers of outsiders are defeated. And they are pushed to the most distant asteroids of Kuiper belt.

All that powers of federation are required – it is to enter a robotized police. And eliminate rest of pirates and bandits. You are a pilot of a robot police. And you have landed at New Earth 4.  You are came here from Mars.

Main aim – it is to search for leaders of pirates in every sector of a city. And eliminate. Also, to find the main from powers of outsiders. And eliminate too. It should be some cyborg.

Good news are came just about your arrival. Pirate fleet is run into mine field ahead of Mars. And was destroyed. Powers of outsiders are partially shadowed in Kuiper belt. As it was expected. But they have no resources.

At the New Earth IV it is still exists big syndicates and cartels from pirates and outsiders. So, with them you will have a thing. You are allowed to use rockets, machineguns, blasters. And everything you can to use.