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UltraFlight – code Turbo


Pixel art for today. Based on videogame Override – mission code override. Japanese shooter, arcade. For system Turbo Grafx. Yes, it was a superb system. Just like 8 bit, it has a super graphics.  Lots of shmups.

So, I have just remembered, that every time, when I am playing interesting game this kind of space shooter, than I every time wanna to know what is going next. So, you are fly forward all the time. Straight forward. And under you – there are surface. Forest, grass, city or anything else. And every time when you see screen GAME OVER – you watch it all the timer and think about what is next to see. So, this way, every time for me in Zanak.

So about my drawing. This is pixel art. For training. Same arcade genre, space shooter. About space, different planets. So I all the time is dreaming about to making this kind 8-16 bit or MS DOS type space shooters. So you are flying with space ship and shooting everything around you. So arcade fun!

Space is big and it is everytime you can have a some action. Place for action. All the time there are lots of planets, and on theirs surface you can find a things to shoot from lazers, blasters or start a rocket.  So it is interesting question – do this kind of games need a story so deadly? Well, maybe, you can compose some tale, something easy to tell. But, during game series is developing it can became a nig story.

At the terra formed planet Ultran third starts some troubles with aliens ships. Aliens makes a teleport of theirs ships and move fast to borders of planet. And start to smash everything like hurricane. Team Turbo is airing as emergency situation call. Criitical situation. Mission Turbo is beginning!

So for this moment it will be good some synth pop track, about music. And, maybe, I am dreaming about eight levels. In some arcade games I have see 8 levels. Nut every levels is different about graphics. So they are not looks equal. Or more levels – than already some same kind of levels you can meet several times. If something for home gaming system.

Join mission Turbo! Code Turbo!