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Implement Accessibility into your game

A topic by marcelojrs created 31 days ago Views: 178 Replies: 2
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Hello, I am a software engineer in the last semester of my college, and I am doing some research on accessibility in games for my final year project, while doing research I ended up here on and played a bunch of different games, and noticed most of them don't have much accessible features or a accessible mode for players with disbailities could enjoy their game

So here I wanted to discuss with other players and developers about this, what you guys think of accessibility? if you are interested in implementing in your game, you can reach out to me and we can talk more about it!

You could think about creating a "Accessible Games Jam". Explane what disabilities you are aiming for and what are potential accessibility features. You could aim for new games with accessible features, or making existing games more accessible, or both ...

I think there are a lot of developers on itch that are willing to try out something new. But I think that it is important that you give some guidance: For the current project I am working on I have no idea how to make it more accessable (except for color-blind mode).

That´s a good Idea, will be studying on doing this Games Jam, would be interesting.

But on this post here I am willing to help anyone on making games more accessible, if you want I can help you on your own game, will charge nothing for it, just for the experience and the opportunity to add this to my project on university.