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Share Your Projects: PbtA Sticky

A topic by casskdesigns created Mar 16, 2019 Views: 6,385 Replies: 34
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I'm working on one called Sparking! A DBZ-Inspired PbtA Game, or just Sparking!

This game is inspired heavily by the things I like about Dragon Ball Z: interesting techniques, loads of transformations, and taking on weird threats from across the planet, galaxy, and universe. It's still a work in progress, with the rules in the game allowing you to very easily play anything you see on Dragon Ball Z up to the end of the Frieza Saga. The plan is to have rules that give you enough options to play with every concept you see on the show and in the manga, either just outright replaying the story beginning to end or taking the specific things you like to create your own stories and characters. The next revision should add different types of Fusion, Time Travel, and Androids as a player species.

like art design or game design?

My PbtA post-apocalyptic fantasy game is up!
Come have a look!

What happened to this game? I'm looking for a copy to try. 


Dual Wield RPG is a free PbtA RPG (in beta) about people who can turn into weapons and utilize each other to fight their inner demons. Inspired by Boyfriend Dungeon, Soul Eater, and Persona, it hopes to capture the idea of battling your trauma and personal journey through cinematic armed combat. What it adds to weapon-people formula is there are no dedicated "wielders", everyone can turn into a weapon. What it adds the the PbtA formula is that the playbooks are based around the weapon you turn into, the support role you play, and combat is separated into moves that the wielder and weapon can do independently, allowing weapons to cover the weak points of their wielders to some extent.

Currently, there is only support for Melee weapon playbooks, of which there are five: Blade, Blunt, Energy, Shield, Spike. Blades for the cutters, Blunts for the smashers, Energy for the magical and tech weaponry, Shields for the defenders, and Spikes for the stabbers. All of these can be 1 handed or 2 handed, and have customization both in moves and in a tags system, so two Blades can feel nothing alike. While in weapon form, you play a support role but cannot take damage, instead risking Break, a track that determines the condition of both your weapon form and your mental stability.

For the Wielder side, you still get to customize with Wielder moves which are not playbook-bound. There is a list of example Wielder moves, but the system encourages making your own and comes with a guide on how to do so. Wielders are the stars of the given show, the dungeons you delve into based on their trauma and psyche, but can take both Harm and Break, with both their physical bodies and mental well-being on the line whenever they choose to face down their demons.

The system itself is somewhat of a hack of Rhapsody of Blood, borrowing from its non-Euclidean dungeon design, its tiered enemy and obstacle system, easy-to-build dungeons with minimal prep, and its Bosses that cannot be damaged until an opening is created. It can be played with as little as two players or as many as six(counting the MC).

I have a couple of PbtA games up on itch:
The Continent Adrift is a sci-fi hack of Dungeon World loosely inspired by pulp magazine covers

Liquid Soap does daytime soap opera, heavily influenced by the breezy, Australian style.

SOUP! is one of three small games that make up my modular Atomic Summer series and is best described as an anime comedy action adventure,  mashing up ideas and themes from Thunderbirds and Cells at Work.

I'm currently toying with another PbtA design with more anime inspiration, dealing with the lives of the various employees in a brothel or bawdy house in a semi-serious way but still trying to keep it wholesome and treat the sexual content with sensitivity.

Komodo & Underground

A short game for a single player, about komodo's journey to become a dragon. It involves delving into the underground.

Here we go... it's the demo version of Troublemakers, my PbtA game of childhood adventures. This is just a taster of the full game, with a look at the basic moves and a couple of playsets with ideas and character outlines. If you are familiar with the mechanics of PbtA games, there's enough here to get at least a one-shot game out of it. Feel free to ask me question about this, but the full release, which should follow soon, will hopefully answer them.

Definitely inspired by PbtA, however it's more like "tabletop party game meets PbtA philosophy".

"Arrpacas of Seven Seas" is a game about alpacas on pirate ship, who struggle for captainship and where to sail across the sea.

Released the core stuff for Heirs of the Leviathan, and working on more material for it.

It is a game where you play the Heirs of a fragmented realm, with power struggles, intrigue, drama and tragedy. A bit Game of Thronesy I guess, but I was really more inspired by stories like I Claudius and Oedipus Rex. It's started out as a hack of World of Dungeons, but grew quite a bit over development.

I recently had the idea to make a loving tribute to the 'sex & shopping' style novels and TV serials of the 1970s and 1980s, as popularised by Judith Krantz, Jackie Collins, Shirley Conran and Jilly Cooper, so here it is: this is a first draft copy of Vixens and there's still a lot to be done, e.g. guidance on managing the game.

Translations of my PbtA game Tivoli are now up! In Tivoli, the story plays out in a fun fair, amusement park or circus that is co-created at the start. The emphasis is on diversity and friendship. All characters start out with negative beliefs about themself, and these are turned into positive convictions during the game.

You can find all language versions (original Finnish as well as the new translations into English and Swedish) here:

My game powered by Apocalypse for  the Ritual JAm

 In this game, you take on the role of an assistant to the great Wizard Alder Rustic. You will have to fulfill his tasks for the grand spring ritual. His tower is located in the great city of Warmstone, a festive and joyful city surrounded by nature, gods, magic and shadows of the past.

Hi! I'm in the middle of making a Pokemon Pbta

In this game, most of you are stepping into this world as a human, a trainer! People who face the trials and tribulations of life with a pokemon partner by their side. One of you will be The Professor. The Professor will be in charge of starting you down the path of your story, bringing the world to life and portraying the People and Pokemon you meet.

It's still a work in progress and any feedback or critique would be very appreciated!

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