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Score Space Jam #29View game page

4th Place: Score Space Jam #29 19April24 Theme: Escape
Submitted by Fin Nolimit (@dustinfinamore) — 3 minutes, 26 seconds before the deadline
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Ranked from 39 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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I likes your bug sound.


My best score: 51

Gameplay: 4

It was a really good idea, it took me a while to realize that the stats that are affected by a choice start blinking when hovering over that choice. Idk how score was collected, but im assuming it had something to do with having as much gold and health as possible

Theme: 5

You are very much escaping

Aesthetics: 4

Tbh some of the ui elements are a bit unpolished, but the drawings are perfect:D

Sound: 5

Nice original music and sound effects:)

Overall the best game ive played out of 32 so far, really solid job, it seems that you and everyone involved had fun making it:) Good job!


The indicator was a tricky part for us.  We wanted to show which attribute (stats) was affected by your choice but was not sure the best way to go about that.  I think in another iteration of the game we could make the attribute(money, heart, or sanity) shake when it is about to be affected.  The player gets one point every time they make a decision that gives them a positive effect in one of the three attributes. I had an idea in my head on how scoring was going to work but I just did not implement it as good as I wanted to.  

The Aesthetics is what my daughter and I were going for when we decided to join this JAM.  She was recently accepted into the Summer Residency Program at CalArts and I wanted to challenge her in making a ton of art in a short amount of time.  And it had to be good enough to really capture peoples' attention.  -- I'm not the best programmer (tho I love it as my one of my favorite hobbies) so I wanted to make the code simple enough to be both fun and aesthetically pleasing.  In the end, I feel very honored that you enjoyed the art.

This is the first time I did my own sound effects.  I used so many things around the house to make all the sound effects in the game.  I used Audacity to edit the sounds I made and it was actually really hard but I really enjoyed the process.

Thanks again for your thorough feedback and for taking the time to play our game!!!  :)


fun concept! I'm not sure how the scoring worked, though.


Thanks for giving our game a shot! The scoring works by giving the player one point every time they make a decision that gives them an extra attribute point.  For instance you have the three attributes at the top (money, health, sanity) if you make a decision that makes any of these go up then you get a point.  Also if you find the treasure chest in the waterfall then you get extra points. :)

Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

Incredible! I love the fascinating story and the drawings that guide you through it. It is a masterpiece, congratulations! :)


that is very kind of you to say!!!!!! Thanks again for playing it. I told my daughter (she did all the art) about your game and how the plot matched ours exactly. She thought that was funny!


The art and sounds in this game are one of the funniest and coolest in the whole jam (from what I've seen)

I'd love to play a version with a little bit more polish: clearer signalling of how the choice affected parameters, how does scoring work, nicer font for the texts, etc.

Also, I believe there is a "highest score" run, so there can't be much competition in the leaderboard in the long run, but it's very interesting to unfold all of the choices in the story.


Thanks so much for your feedback and kind words.  Everything you said is spot on.... The signaling was something we talking about and I struggled with.  I ended up going with just a circle sprite that would hover and blink over the attribute that was effected.  I didn't want to say if it would be positive or negative... Just a decision I made based on other games like it.... maybe the wrong choice here not sure lol.. towards the end of the jam I felt there needed to be more indication to the player that something was happening so I made a quick flash and changed the scale of the attribute to quickly reflect the change.  The scoring system is very flawed for sure... The original idea was to have enough cards to make the replayability more attractive and up your score that way but that is kind of lost.  The text... oh man the text.  We went back and forth on different fonts but ended up just settling on something plain so it did not hurt the players eyes as they were trying to read all the cards.  Finally, thank you so so much for your words on the art and sounds.  This is the first time I've ever done my own sound effects and it was a lot harder than I had thought it would be.  I had fun going around my house and making all kinds of funny noises from toppled Jenga boards, to running water, weird sounds with my voice, even ripping a piece of paper to make the magic sound for the wizard.  It was fun!!!!!!


Ooh, now I see the circle. That's very cool: I like that it shows the attribute but you can only guess if it's positive or negative effect (and the text kinda make hints about that)


i love this.. its kinda liek a virtual dnd! *-* i think its not alway complete clear yet but a very got idea!


Thanks for giving our game a try.  We had fun making it and new we were taking a chance with the different style.


This is such a smart idea for the choose your own adventure style! loved the art too :)


Thanks!  We kept coming up with new ideas as the jam went on but had no time to implement them :)


I loved it! The art style is amazing :D I would definitely play a game like that on mobile! Awesome work for a 3 days jam really


Thank you!!!!!  I really appreciate your kind words.  I actually made the resolution on the game so that it would fit a phone screen and I made all the controls to be mouse only so that I could play it on my phone.  The only thing you can't do on your phone is put in your name for the leaderboard.  :)  I'm really glad you enjoyed the game and took the time to play and leave feedback!


it was a bit hard to play i didn't know what to do but really good for a game made in 3 days


halfway through the jam I feared it would be a game that a lot of people would not get.  In my head it was simple but I knew after watching some family play that it was not as simple as I had thought.  lol thanks for giving it a shot.

no problem


I immediately thought I was going to dislike this one. I was way wrong! I totally loved it and after a number of mishaps, found myself emerging from the stinky depths with a sense of accomplishment and reflection upon my travels.

Simple game play, entertaining dialog, and great audio selections. Awesome stuff!


thank you so much for the feedback. On the second day of the jam  I told my daughter I was afraid people would not get the game but we had invested too much time to turn back now. She responded by saying she was having a great time creating the cards and felt she was improving as an artist so it’s okay. I’m glad we kept going. And I’m very thankful you gave our game a chance. Thanks again for your feedback and kind words 


WOW! Incredible was alot of fun! I adore the artwork and gameplay! Very simple yet lots of fun to explore!


Thank you thank you!!!!!!  There are so many really good games out there for this jam so I feel honored you took the time to play ours.  The artwork was the main motivation for getting into this jam. I wanted to challenge my daughter (who is about to head off to college) to see if she could draw a ton of cards in a short amount of time.  We both got very very little sleep lol.  thanks again for playing.


Cool game! The illustrations are lovely and the sound effects hilarious! Great job!


Thanks for taking the time to play our game and leave some feedback.  I am really glad you enjoyed the art work and the sounds.  This was my first attempt at doing sound effects and it was fun process.  I know I looked ridiculous walking around the house making as many obnoxious sounds as I could. 

is that you in your avatar pic?  did you draw that?  Very cool!!!!!   


That is indeed me in my avatar pic. My wife drew it. We usually develop games and have an indie studio together. She does the art, I do the programming. However for this gamejam I did it solo because it was a spontaneous decision where I felt inspired when I saw the theme on Friday evening.

Submitted (2 edits) (+2)

So, it seems like Tinder mechanic suits adventure more than kingdom ruler simulation after all. Encounters are charming. Sound design is imaginative and hilarious.

Your daughter did an outstanding job with those illustrations. I know the feeling, cause most sprites (except for the stock character and stars) for our game did my 17 y.o. sister. They definitely rock this jam. Congrats on the Residency Program btw


It is so funny that you commented on my game because I noticed yours and pointed it out to my girlfriend.  I have not played it yet but just pointed out the cleverness with the game theme and mechanic of your game.... only can use the E.S.C.A.P and ESC keys.  I'm looking forward to giving it a go.  ---Also, thank you for the kind words.  I had a ton of fun (and it was frustrating) making the sounds.  It was a lot harder than I had expected but I now have a much bigger appreciation for those that make their own sounds.  We had a great time coming up with the store and the swiping options haha.  It was fun tho I did almost run out of time.


The little sound effects made it really fun to read everything :)


Thanksssss!!! This was the first time I did all my own sound effects.  It was a lot harder than I thought but also very rewarding.


Simple but yet interesting control on how to choose the path. Love the art!


Thank you!  The art was the reason we wanted to try this type of game mechanic. I'm glad you loved the art and I really appreciate you giving the game a try and leaving some feedback.


I really liked the art(congratulations for the quality and quantity of them) and feel of the game, i couldn’t stop playing until finishing :). The sounds and card texts gives an cute and curiosity for all the gameplay.


Thank you so much for taking time to play and comment.  We are very proud of the art for sure.  Less than an hour before the game I was still asking my daughter for new assets (I believe the "RESTART" button was the last thing I was asking for just before publishing the final game.  It was fun (and exhausting) trying to see how many cards we could make.  Thanks again for the feedback.


Amazing game, the art style is super unique and creates a great atmosphere! Really enjoyed the characters and the choices, great work here!


Thank you so much for your kind words and for playing our game.  I'm glad you liked the art. It was all hand drawn by my daughter.  She has a special talent for sure.  Thanks again!!! :)


Really unique idea and your daughter's illustrations are superb! Tell her she's a natural! One thing I wanted to mention is a found an infinite loop glitch during the frog part where I could continuously increase my score while never losing any brain power or health. Really nice work though. 


Thank you so much for the feedback! Jasmine’s art is getting better everyday and I’m really excited to see what she is able to do with it? (Her goal is to create her own show) as far as the game goes….. I submitted it with 3 minutes left lol and did not have the time to properly test all the scenarios. Even now I did not know about the glitch so that you so much. I’ll make sure to fix that once the rating period is over!!!!!


Good art style.


Thank you!!!  :)  I'm very glad you liked it!!


Found it interesting and immersive. The narrative approach to the game makes it so much fun. It makes you feel like you are actually in the game.

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