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A topic by Tullechr created 20 days ago Views: 146 Replies: 4
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Could i make the game a multiplayer game?

im working on a bug shooter (Like helldivers) i was wondering if in the judging process if it had the ability to have your friends join and shoot bugs and lunch nukes if it could geta higher rating? or does it not matter if its multiplayer?

Jam Host (1 edit)

Other jammers will rate your game, so if you make your game multiplayer you might struggle getting votes since people usually play jam games by themselves. If you want you can definitely make your game multiplayer, but just be aware of that! (also multiplayer is much much harder)

Agreed it is harder but iv been making multiplayer games for years now, i am pretty well suited for it :), but if most people play solo ill stick with a single player game.

I mean you can make a single player game with multiplayer added like minecraft

Remember there's just 7 days left. While multiplayer would be cool, make sure it plays solo as well, so everyone can try it out, even people without gamer friends :)