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BramblestoneView game page

A naked lizard adventure
Submitted by Blulizz (@BlulizzAD) — 10 hours, 6 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 28 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

i started early
I built the game off a gameplay base I'd already been working on for a few months

However, the music, the vast majority of art assets and the maps, characters, setting, story, most enemies etc are new!

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i can't believe you were on the brink of throwing in the towel, this is a heck of a thing.  i love your teeny sprites.  everyone's real cute.  there are an awful lot of mechanics going on.  and the combat is pretty solid for being real simple.  also the frequent shortcuts are the kind of player kindness that often does not make it into a jam game

idk man it's real good.  good job

"it's a dark souls but you can jack off" is a sentence i just said out loud


happy you liked c: 
and yea, it was a very rough process in the middle there, but im really happy i bounced back


finally got around to playing this one just now, and dang, I'm glad I did. This is a great little game, and you've got a super solid engine for this one. Lovely character design, intersting levels, and the enemies and bosses - bosses! plural! including a big final fight! - all had varied and interesting attack patterns. Good job.

There's a handful of issues that could be touched up if you want to keep working on the engine, but it's nothing major, and this felt quite well-polished. (The range on the melee attack seemed just a touch short, and left-clicking to attack felt good but it tripped me up that the attack went in the direction where I last moved, not where I clicked. But that's really it.)


Reminds me a lot of Tiny Dangerous Dungeons - small, polished, simple, fun. Definitely playing this again in the future.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Wow this is like, a complete little game.  It has a diverse cast of characters, several areas with different aesthetics and music, four bosses, purchasable equipment, and multiple clothing options that are reflected in your character sprite.  The artwork is professional-quality and the environments are captivating--the leadup to the final boss is especially spooky.  The music loops are a bit too short but they all fit their respective situations.  The gameplay is stimulating and creative; I like the idea of the four primary directions being diagonal instead of orthogonal, though I still wasn't quite used to it by the end of the game.  The difficulty is satisfying overall, though I had a lot more trouble with the volcano enemies that any others.  The bosses are all unique with their own playstyles.  The final boss was especially hard, but I never felt like my deaths weren't my fault (and looking through the comments, I'm glad I'm not the only one who completely forgot about the shield.  It's unusual to have both blocking and dodging in a game).

I do have one feature request: I'd like an option to make the cursor relative to the player instead of relative to the camera.  That would be more intuitive to me, and it would mean that my aim doesn't depend on whether the camera is moving or fixed.  It would also be easier to control with less-accurate pointing devices.

Finally, I have a huge kink for casual nudity, so this game was right up my alleyway.  I'm also quite into bloody combat, and I was served quite well in that department too.


Very impressive even with the headstart! A fun and sweet game that doesn’t end up feeling too difficult! I had some trouble navigating through dialogues and options with a keyboard, since half of the stuff required me to press E, and the other half space. I also had issues with some continuous attacks that kept going right after the parry, meaning I got hit when the bosses started moving again. Still, I managed to adjust myself to it, and it’s extremely fun!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Impressive, detailed and complete! Even with a head start this is a really big game to make so quickly!

The action gameplay felt very solid and offered lots of options and play styles. The roll makes it a little too easy to avoid most of the fights, but it also feels very good to use, so perhaps some additional reward for defeating enemies would make them more of a target? The slowdown for spells is sweet, it gives a real sense of power and creates some extra time for assessing the situation. I like how spells charge from attacks to keep players active. The bosses are somewhat easy to cheese or tank, which doesn't fully prepare the player for the final boss which is genuinely challenging (but fun). The level design overall felt fun and fair with generous shortcuts and even secret areas to discover!

The visuals are fantastic. There's an incredible variety of characters, detailed environments, and animations. I love the nude portraits, the game definitely leans heavily into its primary kink. The particles and effects are great and I was surprised that there is a multitude of death animations in spite of the cute veneer. Illustrated story segments are an incredible bonus on top of everything else the game has to offer.

Games with original music are a rarity in jams, so I appreciate the original soundtrack. The loops are quite short, but the areas are short too so they usually switch out enough to keep things varied. A little extension for some of them or variations would help a lot. I also found the dialogue sounds a bit loud by default, but the audio design for everything else is fully on-point.

Seeing a setting menu with options for custom controls in a jam game is incredible. It really adds that final level of completeness and polish.

Excellent work!


Short but veeery good game! The combat is very nice and the bosses might be a bit easy, but good nontheless. Would love to see it continued into a full game with more zones, bosses, spells and items.


happy you like!

i prefer to let jam games be their own thing, but i did use this jam as an oppertunity to "battle-test" the groundwork i used here

im burnt out on the genre so ill try some other stuff before returning to this base

im still trying to decide how ill balance nsfw and sfw gamedev


This is quite a wonderful game. Very fleshed out with a lot of elements to it. Swappable spells and vanity items, little interaction areas. The gameplay handles well and is not clunky, the music and art are very cute and pleasant, and the lewd aspects of the game were incorporated fairly well. Really impressive to see whats been done. I dont think I found anything about this game that wasnt a joy. ~


i didn't expect to see something so fleshed out in a game jam! this is really great, and works perfectly within the time limit to make something really incredibly cute. great job making all of this in such short time, and I love the nudity. I did run into something weird where one of the paths does a screen transition but doesn't change the scene, I'm not sure if it's blocked my progress or not because I don't have time to play anymore today, but I'll check soon


Short but sweet. The care and attention to detail is unlike any other retro-esque game I've seen this year. Loved every second and would enjoy seeing an update in the future!


This was probably the best entry in here I’ve tried so far. I love how you’ve incorporated nudism and various thoughts on it into this, respecting the character that didn’t want to and giving courage to the one who wanted but was afraid. I love how the nudity is kinda just there as an accepted part of the world.

I’d wish I could rate this, but I wasn’t part of the jam, so I sadly can’t. I hope this gets worked on more even after the jam or that you make something else using the same base. I’m now following you wanting more.


Really fantastic work, very cute, real solid little game.


VERY good game, i liked it quite a bit~ hope to see more from you in the future~




Bramblestone is surprisingly polished for a game jam game, and there's great attention to detail that many would gloss over in favor of adding additional content.

While I do wish the game was longer because it's so well made, it's definitely a positive that there was time spent polishing what it does have, and what it does have is quite fun and charming. The pixel style is lovely and the bright colors really make it pop and stand out! The gameplay was very much like a classic top down hack and slash which I'm a fan of, and the little details around the game world make it all the more neat to explore (I almost missed the secret masturbation spot! Really charming).

I like how different characters have things to say and some even have little interactions with the player, this game is definitely full of personality. The pixel art is skillfully made and easy to read, the music and sound is really nice, the enemies pose just enough of a threat, not being too unfair or too easy, and I felt like the items and upgrades you can get were very well balanced and useful.

My only real complaints, if one can call them that at all, is that some of the controls (like pressing spacebar to respawn or enter to select a dialogue option) were not shown on screen so I had to fiddle a bit or look at the settings to figure them out, the bosses were a little easy, and I kinda wish I could slash the sword in the direction my mouse is pointing at, but those are all minor things that didn't take away from my enjoyment.

Over all, this game is great! I wish it gets worked on in the future, or at least to see more projects by Blulizz, I'm definitely a fan. I was looking forward to playing this and it did not disappoint!


happy you liked it c:

the mouse aiming thing actually is an option. there should be a toggle in the settings. it was the kind of thing that i knew would be devisive


Oh, thanks for letting me know! I'll play it again with the setting on ^^


very cute, lots of attention to detail, pretty damn fun too




Really good! Cute characters, good combat, decently sized map... Final fight was a nice challenge too!


happy you liked it c:
and yea i like to make my finales a little tougher


very fun little adventure game, controls well and the art is very cute. just don't be stupid like me and forget parry exists.