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Submitted by Beaver Joe — 1 hour, 51 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Adherence to the Theme#14842.9502.950

Ranked from 80 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Pretty good! I like the concept, but the level design could be improved in my opinion. Well done!


Thanks. The level design and the character design have to be improved lots. Thanks for feedback~ Appreciate! (•̀ᴗ•́) و ̑̑


Clever idea! I would've preferred if the characters were a bit faster and the jumps a bit tighter, but that kind of polish is understandable to not have in such a short jam. The pixel art is very good!


Thanks! Your game also amazing especial the Blood effect. I also played your "Simply Gladiators" game. You have nice skills in RPG games!


Good idea, but gameplay felt a bit to slow. I also had no idea what to do with the coins? Also no idea if it was intentional but I could keep controlling the witch even after she died. I was controlling a floating hat basically. Also an automatic level restart would be nice or at least a shortcut to restart the level. Right now you need to go through the menu.

Also reminds me a bit of the Trine games, where each character has its own abilities.


Yeah. I found many issues and I am going to fix and update after rating. The Restart shortcut will be made ASAP. And the level 3 will be made completely because the witch I did not make complete before the deadline. Thanks for feedback. Appreciate!


That was a really well made game, some more levels and you would have a finished project there. 

Nicely done.


Thank you. I will complete the first three levels and publish more later~


Such a complete game! Very well made!

Amazing sprite work and excelent sound design. Good job!

Kind of felt bad sacrificing the guards to cross spikes though.


Thanks for feedback. Your game is also amazing and rated now~ Appreciate~


Very cute game with some depth to its game play. Thanks for sharing. 


Your game is also amazing especially the graphics and game design. 


This reminded me of Thomas Was Alone. The level design helped for incentivising character switches. Good job, game just felt a little slow.


I will play that game this week. Looks so attractive! Thanks for your feedback. Appreciate!


best game ever


It's my honor. Thanks for your feedback. Your game is also amazing and I saw my itch friend add your game a collection in Feed Part.


really. are you the artist in your team or are you working alone or are you not the artist, it doesn't matter i really liked your games graphics


My team only one membership and it's me. I love using AI/PS to make art. But in this game I used the Asset pack because I did not have enough time to complete others part. I worked as artist in previous jam. but I feel I paint so slowly in tight time. Thanks for your likes. Really inspire me~



Super cute game and very complete! :)


Your game is also very enjoyable!


Great game!! I really liked the frozen gravity feature when changing characters. I really want more levels!! :D  . Great job, pretty unique idea!


Thanks for feedback. I feel the frozen status can provide more possibilities for player to win.


Your game is really good! I didn't have time to make it to the end, but it's a very unique idea! Although it would've been nice if you could've put some more polish in it, the time limit probably kept you from doing that.


Thanks! After the rating, I am going to update this game~ Very appreciate for your feedback~


No problem!


Nice concept, i like how others sacrifice for you to reach the goal.

I liked the game but i think with some polishing (character speed, jump, interaction...) it would be much better.


Thanks! Your game is also very impressed me. I have played twice.


Pretty nice game with well executed mechanics. Graphics are really cute.

It's a bit short but hey it's a jam and I hope the players will see the potential of your game. 

In the first level the warrior could stay stuck. Perhaps you can add a quick restart key or a better quick button (entering to a submenu to restart for your kind of game is a bit long).

Good job! :D 


I totally agree with you! after the rating, I am going to fix and update this game. Thanks for feedback!


Really cool!  I've seen a few of your YouTube videos!  Really great design and sprite art, great job!  Please check out my entry it you have time, feedback would be great~


Sure. Thanks for your feedback. I am going to rate and play.~


I ran into a few issues with characters not being able to jump when they should've been able to, but other than that this game has a lot of charm to it! Switching characters could be made a bit easier, as could restarting the level (had to dig around to find it) . You would expect a player to restart a few times before getting it right, so there should be as little friction as possible in letting them restart.

Great job guys!

- Joe


Hi Team HorseHead,

There are several uncomfortable places have to be adjust after the end of the rating. And I am appreciate for your feedback of my game. I really want to add one shortcut to restart the game now. When I submitted the game, I have received many feedbacks about the issue of restart buttons. I am going to update in the next week! 

Thanks for your comments! Appreciate! (•̀ᴗ•́) و ̑̑


Nice game! The controls are a bit clunky, as well as the character selection. Maybe use the mouse wheel to switch between characters? But I like how they work different and how you utalized the tilesets from itch :)


Hi Jonas, thanks for your feedback. That's great idea using mouse wheel to switch the character. I will try it next time. Honestly, the level 3 is little bit hurry and the witch should be appear on level 4-5. While before the deadline, I did not have enough time to finish and don't want to waste the character: witch. So Lv 3 looks little bit uncompleted. I love using tilesets to build 2D world environment. In my other projects in campus, I always use isometric tiles or isometric rule tiles to build which is simpler than simply drag the sprite to the scene.(depends on what kind of game I made. Sometimes simply drag sprites to the scene also necessary to build)

Thanks for your comments. Appreciate!


For my games, I also often time create sets, even if they are for 3D! Bethesda does this and it works great- you only just need to break out from it time to time!


Is game has some great potential! Short, simple, and very well polished! The music was extraordinary and the art even better. But my opnion the gameplay was a bit lacking; the jump didn't seem responsive enough, and it was really hard to understand what to do at first. Besides these minor points, this game is a eru ood game! Great job with it!


Yeah. Jump/move speed is slower than I think. I need to adjust the variable later. For the level design, there are also many places have to be update. When I submitted, I just start to feel lacking of many things such as the interactive for player, some necessary hints or tutorial. 

Thanks for your feedback, Appreciate!


The jumping was a little hard to get used to... I got the knight stuck on the first level 3 or 4 times before I realized you can restart the level from the options menu. I wasn't sure what the witch was needed for, as I was able to beat the last level without using her.

Overall, there's a lot of good atmosphere in this game! Short, simple, clean. Nice Entry!


Yes. I feel I made some unnecessary options in this game. Best solution may be add the shortcut to restart the game. As for the witch, I design the character first, before the deadline, I did not have enough time to design the level 3 very complete so that I add the witch to that level. (The witch should be entrence in level 5)

And the jump/move speed is slower than I think. Thanks for your feedback!


Well, like an idiot, I tried to make another character pass the door. But nope, you're respecting the theme alright, so ONLY ONE can pass. I understood that the hard way. XD

Anyway, great work, here! The art is notably gorgeous. Did every visual come from packages, or did you manage to make some assets WHILE programming and designing all this stuff?


Thanks for your comments. The art asset pack comes from And all other stuff is made during 48 hours. My original target is to make the "Normal character"  can enter the next level, the other characters with the skills would be sacrifice during gameplay. But I did not say so clear in the beginning. (•̀ᴗ•́) و ̑̑


What a gorgeous game!  quite nice game feel, and interesting characters.  The first level possible has too many unwinnable situations you can accidentally get into. Thanks for sharing it!


Yeah. The first level makes player try more than twice which is not comfortable. Not a good design in first level. Thanks for feedback! I will update later. (•̀ᴗ•́) و ̑̑

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