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Unum TerramView game page

A puzzle resources management game, where you only have ONE land to construct and deconstruct buildings on it.
Submitted by Fadrik Alexander (@FadrikAlexander) — 2 hours, 56 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Adherence to the Theme#5774.0494.049

Ranked from 41 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Nice game, it was interesting trying to balance resources this way. I was a bit confused by how the "combat(?)" worked, I figured I need a strong army when the attack comes, but didn't understand what was happening after the attack, sometimes I gained soldiers, after the attack I needed more food? was a bit confusing. The "How to Play" graphic was too overwhelming for me to comprehend, too many things at once with no beginning and end.


So, the game made me want to pierce its secrets, and to understand perfectly how it worked. The music, sounds and voice actings really added to the game, but the tutorial was REALLY confusing, and it would have made the game clearer to have each explanation on a different page, or added text to understand. The principle of having one slot, building and demolishing building doesn't really fit your game, it would have been better if all buildings were there, but only one could be active each turn (since that's what reflects reality: you don't have any cost to build or demolish, and buildings stay at the same level once you upgrade them).

When you finally figure out the mechanics, the game is pretty simple, and you want to figure out the best way to proceed. However, the mechanic of GAINING soldiers based on the difference with the ennemy invaders make for an exponential increase once you reach level 5 on each building, which you can do really early since you can upgrade multiple times in one turn, and the mine gives way too much. Once you reach the point where your soldiers combined with the difference with the enemy are always greater than the increase of enemy per turn, you litteraly can't loose, and can spam freely the wheat generation.

The game then crashed at level 100.

Good game overall, but it would have GREATLY benefited of a more understandable tutorial, a few balance tweaks, and maybe a few others things to do on the side to keep being "on the edge".


Thanks for the amazing Feedback <3 I understand what you are saying about how to gain army and I feel the same about it,

there is a but that make the game crush when you win at turn 100 so the crush is the victory XD


I really like the idea of having only one building active at time. I understand that idea came from "TBS with one cell", but for convenience it'd be better to show it as  different buildings with only one active. Nevertheless, good luck!


I was going to the one land thing not too many buildings at once I thought that would be more close to the theme, thanks for the feedback


I get what the game is about, but me personally I'm very bad at these kinds of game lol, the idea is great and could make a really nice full game


Thanks, I'm still between continue the game or just leave it be


Really like the concept and it's executed well! The tutorial page is unfortunately kind of difficult to parse, but after playing a round or two I managed to figure out what was going on. It's a fun and satisfying little puzzle and I played it a few times just to try and optimize further. I really like the drawings, and the voicework is fun too. 


Thanks for the feedback and I'm happy you like the art the the voicework as a solo programmer that means alot <3 


It took me a long time to understand what I was doing in game x) The tutorial is a little complicated. I like the drawings, it's well done. It was fun to play. Good job :)


Thanks for Playing yes the tutorial needs a ton of work


Cool game! I really loved that sound effects and music.

Some animation would have been nice but I see that they aren't necessary for the game.

Food depletes a bit too fast for my taste but I still enjoyed the math puzzle going on behind the scenes.

Overall it's a very good entry! Thank you for making it!


Thanks for your amazing feedback, it's my first time making sounds so they turned out to be a bit funny I guess XD


Took some time to understand, maybe some improvements on the interface could help on this.
Once I understood the game turned out to be really fun! I'm still figuring out the best strategies to beat the game. Good job!


Thanks for the feedback, I'm happy that you liked the game


This is the game I spent the most time playing out of the whole jam! Great job!


Mission Accomplished I guess hhhh Thanks for playing 


This was fun, I had a bit of troubles understanding the tutorial but experimenting with the game was fortunately self explanatory.  I wished the GUI was a little bit better, for example: from the building construction building I would like to know what resources I would get after the turn. Good work!


Agree the tutorial need a bit more work, Thanks for Playing


A fun resource-management puzzle that allow you to gain resources of only one area at a turn.
Took me a while to understand how the game works, I couldn't understand the tutorial so I just played and tested it until I got it. The art is great, reminds me of old browser games like Swords and Sandals (Which I used to play a lot at school). Well done!


Swords and Sandals is my fav too, Thanks for playing and it's simple that you can understand the game just by messing around


After some trial and error, it was a lot of fun!

I should say though-- the tutorial screen is comically hard to understand until you actually get to playing.  It certainly makes sense, but only now that I worked out how to actually play the game.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)
the tutorial screen is comically hard to understand

I agree :P 

Once I understood it the resource decisions were kind of interesting, but even then I'm not sure if you can beat the game? Looks like the pop cap is 50 and there were 60 enemies. 

Good work on the sound effects and art, I can tell a lot of effort was put into it and gives the game a warcraft vibe. 


clarkwu, yes you can beat the game the there is no pop cap, you get population when you have a bigger army in the fight 
for example

if you have 20 and they have 10 you'll get 10+ pop as an army

 if you have 50 and they have 20 you'll get 30+ pop as an army

so you have to get your army as bigger as you can so you could raise the pop


Ok, I got to turn 100 with that advice!

Thanks for telling me, really enjoyed making all the calculations to balance population, food, and army. I think turn 100 is the end of the game? It threw an exception. This game is very unique and a cool take on the jam. 


Thanks for the feedback and for playing the game, yeah the tutorial needs more work to make it more understandable


It took me a little bit to figure out how to get started (i didn't realize you had to click on your one land to start building), and the diagram wasn't super clear, but once it clicked it was super cool! It was fun trying to plan ahead with the turns i had left to make sure i had enough food and stone, and got my army up in time for the enemies arrival. I think my main complaints would just be that it isn't clear what you're supposed to do or how to do it, like I couldn't figure out how to get 40 soldiers, and the diagram didn't help with that. Other then that though, really solid, with nice looking graphics and music and some charming sound effects!


Thanks for Playing, and yes I need to update the tutorial a bit, and I was planning to add an arrow pointing at the lone land but I got overwhelmed 

you get population when you have a bigger army in the fight  for example

if you have 20 and they have 10 you'll get 10+ pop as an army

 if you have 50 and they have 20 you'll get 30+ pop as an army

so you have to get your army as bigger as you can so you could raise the pop


Cool concept, definitely has a lot of potential!


Thanks man!!


Fun game and neat idea! Couldn't really understand the instructions but managed to figure out how it worked.


Thanks man, I'm glad you liked it <3