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Cool Zines!

250 pages of comics
☆ short sci-fi mixed-race narrative ☆
Over 40 consoles personified as Magical Senshi!
called: "you got what you wanted, so why aren't you happy?"
10 steps, just you and a computer
Lifting the lid on video games
a Gundam Zine
A 163pg zine featuring seasonal & post-canon art/fic of the Hyouka series!
The rise and fall of the New Clean movement, from those who lived it.
Or: The Devil in Jenny Long, being: A Mall-Gothic Novel
A videogames zine focusing on niche and retro games.
Words and pictures about falling in love, transition, and all the times I haven't killed myself
doujin/indie game zine / 同人・インディーゲームのZINE
a collection of semi-anonymously sourced reflections on young love by men who want to see boobs
Sir Cedric hits for 15 points of damage.
doujin/indie game zine / 同人・インディーゲームのZINE
Nintendo Power meets GeoCities in this fun, animated magazine about the homebrew videogame scene.
Now you're playing with power
A retro anime style visual novel character dev zine
For folks at the very beginning of their activism journey!
A short book about finding balance as a Polymath, Multipotentialite & Renaissance Soul
An Afro-Indigenous Jewish perspective on antizionism and lies about liberation.
Queer Coding in We Know the Devil
extended zine/essay/diary
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