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Programmer/3D Artist Looking for a team

A topic by Samuel Gauthier created 68 days ago Views: 107 Replies: 2
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I have a couple of project that I made all by myself on my Itch so you can see a bit what kind of stuff I can make. I'm looking for a team to participate. I'm good with unity/c# and Blender.

Deleted 45 days ago

Hey! Just sent you an invite on discord :P

hey I鈥檓 a beginner to making video games but I鈥檝e grown up my whole life playing them and I鈥檝e always wanted to make it as a career if you invite me to join your team I would help with anything I can if I get taught what to do I just need help starting somewhere if you would like to send me a discord link and we could talk more I will join