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How to get your game running in the itch app Sticky

A topic by Amos created Dec 17, 2015 Views: 18,695 Replies: 49
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(1 edit)

I have the .exe and dll and data files zip up into a folder and uploaded it and it still says that there is nothing available for download but the download will work for the app. Is there something I am missing?

Joseph, that's probably why :)


Our latest game, built in Clickteam Fusion 2.5, is having trouble launching from the itch app. The setup file we're distributing is built with the in-engine Install Creator, which I guess isn't recognized by the itch app yet. Is there a way to make the itch app extract certain files contained in a ZIP to other directories, say, a subdirectory in AppData, or am I looking at changing my setup file into an InnoSetup executable?

ClickTeam's Install Creator is not supported (and won't be) because it doesn't allow silent installs.

I heavily recommend using butler to upload your game - the itch docs have everything you need to get started:

I have a WebGL games made with Unity that run on a Chrome browser - but not on app.


It seems to work fine in the beta:

Can you confirm it does for you too?

You can download the beta here:

Thanks. It is working fine with beta.

Hi! Is it possible to add already downloaded games to the app? If it is, how do I do it? 
I don't want to lose my progress in the games but having them automatically updated sounds great... :)

It's not possible at the moment.

You can try asking the dev where the save-games are and then download the game via the desktop application again and transfer your save games over, then uninstall the existing non-itch install.


I ended up doing that in the end so everything is fine now. Thanks for your suggestion! ^^

Hello; I'd like to request that devs uploading games to itch be automatically linked to the QuickStart Guide so that they can support their games in the desktop application.  Having to poke each and every dev to do so is a bit troublesome on my end.

If it were me, I'd go so far as to making it mandatory (like how Steam makes compatibility with their client be mandatory for sale), however I understand itch likes to suggest rather than strong-arm so that's up to how admins wanna do it.

(2 edits)

I have a game a just recently put up on itch. It is a webgl and currently restricted at the moment until I have more build to show to public. But I cannot run the game in the browser view window or even from the itch app. I built my game in Unity as well, just want to give as much information as possible.

From the itch app, the game is just stuck frozen loading and in the view page, the game screen is to zoomed in so i cannot navigate my menu system to start anything. Is there anything I need to change in the upload settings to get this fixed? I have a couple images to show the issues I am having to help.

I can add images if needed to help show the issues that are happening.

If anyone can help me with one or both of these problems I would be greatly appreciate it!

Is it necessary to use the butler tool to make your game working on the app?


No, back when I still used to upload zips manually I tried downloading my games in the app to check if they worked. They worked just fine.

than i don't understand what I'm doing wrong.. :| (none of my games work in the app)

but thx for letting me know! :)


You did not tag the platform for your files and as such the application cannot figure out which file to download.

(1 edit)

wow YOUR RIGHT!!!!! ;D
thx a LOT arekku I already gived up on this one, but now I can do this for all my games! :)

thx again arekku! :)

I played almost every game of and if we drop 1 of them then each every game works wonderfully

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